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Designing Out Crime - Secured by Design

The designing out crime officers (known as architectural liaison officers in some forces) at Lancashire Constabulary incorporate ‘crime prevention through environmental design' (CPTED) into building developments across Lancashire in order to reduce crime and promote safer communities. CPTED principles of design affect elements of the built environment ranging from the small-scale (such as the strategic use of shrubbery and other vegetation) to the overarching, including building form of an entire urban neighbourhood and the amount of opportunity for "eyes on the street".

We liaise with all planning authorities in Lancashire by preparing a Crime Impact Statement for the planners or the applicant. This could be in relation to new housing or commercial development, licensed premises, ATM’s or developments in high crime areas. A Crime Impact Statement addresses crime risks and ways to remove or reduce them from the design of the proposed development.

Secured by Design focuses on crime prevention at the design, layout and construction phases of development and promotes the use of security standards through a wide range of applications and products. Click on the SBD link for further information about SBD and its member companies.

Designing Out Crime - Secured by Design

Secured by Design contains a range of information including interactive guides for both residential and commercial development and design guides for many different types of build including Commercial 2015, New Homes 2016, New Schools 2015 and Hospitals. This information can be found under design guides'.

Independent research proves that SBD housing developments suffer up to 75% less burglary, 25% less vehicle crime and 25% less criminal damage. These impressive crime reductions have been achieved through incorporating well researched and effective design together with certificated physical security products.

For further information on Crime Impact Statements or Secured by Design within Lancashire please email our staff or contact:

Security Needs Assessment (SNA)

If you wish to obtain a Security Needs Assessment (SNA) for Breeam, please email with a brief overview of the project and you will be contacted by the Designing Out Crime officer. There is a charge for this work however an initial meeting to discuss the project is without charge.

Similarly, if you wish to apply for a Crime Impact Statement to accompany a planning application please email