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Ask for Angela

ask for angela logoWe are working with licensed venues across Lancashire to help keep people safe from vulnerable situations by using a codeword to identify when they are in danger or are in an uncomfortable situation.

Anyone who feels unsafe in such a situation can get help from bar staff by simply asking to speak to "Angela".

Staff will then help the person in leaving the venue discreetly and getting home or to a place of safety. This could mean taking the distressed person out of sight, calling for a taxi and making sure they get home okay or even asking the person causing distress to leave the venue if appropriate.

The Ask for Angela scheme aims to reduce sexual violence and vulnerability by providing customers with a non-descript phrase they can use to get the attention of staff members who can help separate them from the company of someone with whom they feel unsafe due to that person's actions, words or behaviour. 

"Ask For Angela" is named in remembrance of Angela Crompton, a woman who was abused and killed by her husband in 2012 when an argument about redecorating a house got out of control. Since the launch in 2016 it has been adapted around the UK to help promote safety and wellbeing for anyone who finds themselves vulnerable.

In 2024 our Licensing Teams, Lancashire Violence Reduction Network and the National Ask For Angela organisation launched a revival project focusing on minimising vulnerabilities in Licensed Premises by actively providing training workbooks, giving nationally recognised best practice on how staff can identify vulnerable persons, how to provide support and help for vulnerable persons, along with useful links and contacts for improving safety in their premises.

The aim of this project is to work together to make Lancashire safer to socialise.

More information on Ask for Angela and personal safety can be found here:

If you are a Licensed Premise and would like to receive a training workbook, please email the following: