Lancashire Constabulary Logo

Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (known hereafter as 'the Act') gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by the Constabulary.

The Act places a number of obligations on the Constabulary, including the need to create and maintain a Publication Scheme. The aim of the Publication Scheme is to set out classes of information which routinely are made publicly available. The current version of the Scheme is based upon the Information Commissioners' Office's Model Scheme and the Definitions Document for Police Forces (i.e. the minimum standards in which a Police Force should adhere to in its Publication Scheme).
Model Publication Scheme

Definitions Document for Police Forces

The information in this scheme is available online as above and can be obtained in hard copy by contacting us by email or by post:

Freedom of Information

Information Assurance

Lancashire Constabulary

Saunders Lane




If you require information that is not listed under the scheme, please click Freedom Of Information page for further advice about making a request under the Act.

Please note: Lancashire Constabulary does not currently have an information asset register.

Overt CCTV camera locations operated by Lancashire Constabulary: Lancashire Constabulary does not ‘own’ any of the CCTV systems operated in town centres.  These are all owned by local authorities therefore we cannot publish this data.